Thursday, September 05, 2013

Under the influence...part 6

The Bible, teachers, media, parenting. Are ways our character develop, with all these attributes, the question rises who are we? truly...
some say we are beings having a life experience, others say we are children of God here to fulfill his plan. Folks say we are reincarnated souls...
I have heard so many different explanation for the true meaning of who and what we humans are, that I pose the question to myself... sort of went soul's a puzzle to me still to this day...there might be people out there who feel that they have found the concrete answer. putting forth evidence to justify their logical meaning...
I on the other hand, am still in limbo on the subject....some days I lean towards one idea or another.
Mostly because of my upbringing I had strong belief in GOD.
Now that I've ventured out on my own and has had the opportunity to live in a multicultural city, where tradition, religion and festivals of around the globe are entwined into its own new aged culture, I can without a doubt say I still and will continue to believe in, there are many things that has changed about the way I view the whole ideology of God.. but at my core, Source, Mother nature, Allah, God etc. are the same...and, works in ways that are not completely understood by mankind... and its the way it suppose to be...
sometimes like a plant we must learn to grow without questioning...
At the end of the day its always the same one knows the next instance...and we can't go back.
with all of humankind questions answered...what is the course of action that can be taken if the next moment is unknown...
    some may say have a plan.

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